Note: If you do not have World Update 3 (UK & Ireland) installed, rename the following files:
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\layout.json -> layout.json.wu3
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\layout.json.nowu3 -> layout.json
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\objects.bgl -> objects.bgl.wu3
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\ -> objects.bgl
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\vector.bgl -> vector.bgl.wu3
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\ -> vector.bgl
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\library.BGL -> library.BGL.wu3
• orbx-landmarks-london-city-pack\scenery\Orbx\London\ -> library.BGL
– Optimised for SU:5 and XBox
– Folder restructure and Control Panel now set to “With WU:3” as default
Orbx has packaged together hundreds of iconic London buildings and landmarks for you.
Take flight over the city of London in Microsoft Flight Simulator, and enjoy the true British experience with this must-have pack of London’s most famous and treasured landmarks. We have reproduced hundreds of key buildings and landmarks for you to enjoy as you immerse yourself in flight over the River Thames.
Explore the skies of London today!
• Essential addition to the City of London
• 100s of iconic buildings and landmarks
• Fills the gap on incomplete photogrammetry