The Sbach 342 (XA42) is a low-wing aerobatic airplanemonoplane with a fixed conventional landing gear with a tailwheel and carbon fiber fuselage
It is powered by a 315 hp Lycoming AEIO-580-B1A piston engine driving a three-bladed propeller
The XA42 is a tandem version of the single-seater XA41 (XtremeAir Sbach 300) which was designed by the same team in Speyer in 2004
• EFB: The XA42 comes with the LivToAir EFB that contain 9 apps: Ground Equipment, Wheight & Balance, Weather, Checklist, GPS, Notes, Aerobatics, Flappy Plane, About
• High quality 3d model + textures
• 5 Liveries
• All Buttons are Clickable
• Working Circuit Breakers Panel