[MSFS] Lionheart Creations – Socata Trinidad TB-21 GT v4.4.0



– Rain Effects in Perspex

– New Asobo aircraft soundfile better suited to this high performance engine type

– Higher realism warning lights material and glow management

– Fixed instrumentation lights from SU11 Patch Release

– PBR Material added to Elevator at tail

– Remastered Normal mapping to dimpling and waves in the wings and elevators, some touchups to coding

– Click sounds integrated to most all buttons and levers, not all, but most all are now equipped with sounds

– A better, more realistic exterior plexiglass with very fine wear and grunge is added to the clean version planes, and lots more grunge is added to the dirty planes version


This is the sleek, high performance French 4 seater ‘Trinidad’ by Socata Aerospace in France. This 250HP Turbocharged Edition of the Trinidad line, the TB-21 GT, was a fast cruiser, hitting cruise speeds of 200 MPH or 180+ Knots. Some were fitted with oxygen systems for high altitude cruising, up to 25,000 feet ASL. She was designed with a very advanced interior with automotive style instrument panel featuring ‘instrument pods’ similar to the Lotus Esprit and Lamborghini Countach of that era. Even today, her instrument panel design is more advanced in appearence to other manufacturers.


• 22 (TWENTY TWO) Different Paint Schemes!

• 3 Different Interior Themes: Gray, Tan, Neon Euro Blue

• Extreme Detail Virtual Cockpit with updated and modified Mesh, Mapping, and Graphics

• Disappearing control yoke for visibility

• Extreme high-resolution textures in PBR format complete with bump mapping.

• Asobo high end Avionics including their GNS530 and GNS430 GPS systems.

• Soundpack is also an Asobo creation with some incredible sound effects that only MSFS sound systems feature which include bumping sounds, performance maneuver ‘groans’ from the airframe, and other cool effects.

• Fold up arm rests