Warning: This airport conflicts with Asobo Studio TFFJ airport, only use one of the two (Airworthy Designs recommended).
Warning: This airport conflicts with Seafront Simulations Vessels Anguilla, St Martin and St Barts (few 3D buildings on the Island missing, both add-ons can be installed if you don’t mind).
Warning: If you see broken terrain, this is happening if you have the Orbx South America Mesh installed (same with the Asobo Studio TFFJ airport). Your only option is to uninstall the Mesh at this time.
The island of Saint Barthelemy
Developed from the ground up for Microsoft Flight Simulator. This scenery is complete recreation of the famous St. Barths island.
Over half a decade of scenery making experience and a thousand hours of development this may be our best work yet!
Developed with the use of on-side photography and the input of local residents we have tried to put as much detail as possible so that your approaches can be recreated with a high degree of realism
• Whole island modeled: The port of gustavia, the industrial zone and residential areas are all there
• Correct mesh modeling: The default mesh for the area was incorrectly modeled making the final approach geometry completely off compared the the real approach, we have paid extra attention to this so that it matches the real thing as much as possible given the limitations of mesh resolution for the area
• Full terminal modeling: both interior and exteriors have been recreated to the minute of detail
• Night Lighting
• Dynamic flag animations
• Fps friendly (extensive use of LODs have been used and smart reuse of video memory assets allows for high refresh rates while maintaining high levels of detail)
• Correct apron layout and markings (up to 2022 publications)
• AI compatible