[MSFS] Parallel 42 – 42MM/42MP/42MW Mount Patterson Camps Airports v1.0.0


Note: These airports are also contained inside the FreedomFox & Fox2 package.


Includes three BLM landing areas in Mono County, California, in the Sweetwater Range. 42MW Mars with Flowers 42MP Mount Patterson Summit 42MM Montague Mine Stone Cabin

Scenes have a small footprint vs. complete sceneries that cover a larger area. They are also perfect places to play with //42 Campout as they were designed with plenty of plane camping space.

42MW – Mars with Flowers

Expect challenging strips with immaculate vibes; whether it feels remote or cozy will depend on each scene.

A place of extreme weather and altitude near the Mount Patterson Summit.

42MP – Mount Patterson Peak

Featured in Trent Palmer’s video titled “I landed my plane on an 11,000ft mountain.” Accurately recreated trailhead marker Challenging altitude and weather Terraformed region to better resemble real-world data Custom ground texturing to resemble real-world data better

A summit of 11,654 feet in elevation makes it the highest mountain in the Sweetwater range.

42MM – Montague Mine Stone Cabin

Accurately recreated animated American Flag at peak Custom Soundscape includes Flag and hardware in the wind Challenging short landing area located at a high altitude Terraformed region to correctly resemble real-world data An incredible spot to enjoy sunrise/sunset

A miner’s cabin built from local stone in the 1800s is used for shelter by hikers today.

Fully recreated stone cabin Custom Soundscape includes squeaking door in the wind Challenging short landing area located in a valley at a high altitude Terraformed region to correctly resemble real-world data Custom modeled interior full of fun surprises