[MSFS] Marine RM – Yacht and Sailboat Pack – 4 Boats v2.5.0



– Fixed fuel management system causing engines to shut down after a few minutes of navigation under certain conditions


Coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator is a new generation of 4 controllable boats with user-friendly controls, detailed interior, refined textures, water trails, night lights and custom sounds. They are: Atalaia, a Luxury Yacht with two decks, Formosa, an incredible speedboat of great capacity and Nostalgia, a beautiful sailboat with detailed interior below the waterline, with different sail positions. Now you can select sails during the game and Nostalgia has 7 color options. There is also the boat Classic Nostalgia, which is the original version of the boat in its three versions with different sail position in the livery menu.


• Water balance

• Detailed interior

• Start anywhere in the world over water

• Night lights

• Water trails instantly when on the go

• Sounds

• Friendly fps

How to play:

Start the game anywhere in the world on water or seaplane runway, put the engine on 100% and wait a few seconds for the boat to start moving. The water trails start with the slowest speed you are. Boats do not have a reverse engine for the time being, but this will be implemented in an upcoming update. Click Ctrl + L to activate an overnight navigation beacon. Quickly activate and deactivate the landing gear to honk.

Important to know:

• This add-on will continue to be developed for improvements such as: addition of a rotating steering wheel, animated candle movement and functional instruments such as GPS, radio and speedometer. Soon all models will receive this update.

• The amount of water trails is limited by Asobo for now, when this limitation is removed from the SDK boats will have more sprays on the front and sides.

• The speed of all boats is limited to less than 30kts for water stability reasons.

• Don’t start cold, a boat’s starter function is unrealistic without a panel.