– Fixed LOD issues where some buildings where popping in and out of view
– Jetways now have 3 sets of LODs, for better performance
– New custom Manchester vans
– New custom Gategourmet catering trucks
– Bins were missing their textures
– T2 apron lighting changes to night-only
This airport addon has been developed from nothing. All models, textures, runways, taxiways, approaches, etc, have all been crafted from the ground up. None of the default airport is left…
We have watched over 100 videos from the past few months, of people filming their takeoff and landings at the airport, and vloggers filming the exterior of the terminals so that we can accurately replicate lighting, textures and the latest ground movements such as parking of aircraft, removal of bollards, and construction updates.
It is very important to us that we deliver the most accurate representation of the airport at any given time, and therefore rely on our community to inform us of any changes made to the airport in real life.
This Manchester Airport addon for MSFS2020 will be updated on a regular basis with the latest piers, stands, gates, jetways and terminals, as the airport is also undergoing its ‘Manchester Airport Transformation Programme’. These updates will be free of charge and may include bug fixes and performance improvements.
• PBR textures created from scratch and used throughout the airport
• Custom models developed specifically for MSFS2020
• Accurate and custom night lighting +Additional immersive lighting such flashing lights
• Accurate taxiways and taxiway signs based on latest charts
• Accurate approaches and ILS Glide Slopes
• Runway warning lights
• Free future updates
• New terminals as per the real life Manchester Transformation programme
• Custom Jetways
• Latest VATSIM compatible taxiways and ground markings