Note: See README.txt after extracting!
– Added support to SIGMET TS (Thunderstorm) areas
“RealTurb CAT Areas Global for MSFS” extends the RealTurb effects to the SIGMET CAT (Clear Air Turbulence)
and SIGMET TS (Thunderstorm) Areas, found around the world!
CAT areas (sometimes also referred as “TURB” areas) are areas around the world, usually defined in the lateral (geographical position) and
vertical (altitude) plane with forecasted turbulence (issued as part of a SIGMET that pilots receive).
Similarly, thunderstorm areas (TS), are areas with adverse weather and thunderstorm activity (also issued as part of a SIGMET).
“RealTurb CAT Areas Global for MSFS” constructs a 3D envelope of these real world CAT and TS areas worldwide, taking also into account parameters like position of the aircraft into the envelope, trend of the forecasted turbulence/thunderstorm activity etc to calculate the turbulence effects.
For example an aircraft being within the area but near the defined vertical edges will most likely encounter less turbulence compared to being in the “core” of the area. Similarly an area with a weakening (WKN) trend will give less turbulence compared to an area with intensifying (INTSF) trend etc.
And this does not mean that whenever the aircraft is within the CAT or TS area will experience non stop turbulence effects until it’s out of the area. There is also logic to determine the duration of the effects, intervals between effects etc to give a dynamic and realistic feeling to the user! Flying into the clouds in these areas is another example that deferentiates the parameters of the effects (eg. strength, interval etc).
With all these put together, “RealTurb CAT Areas Global for MSFS” aims to simulate the weather behavior, when the aircraft is flying into these areas thus increasing the immersion level to the simmer!
• Global coverage of real world SIGMET CAT and TS areas
• Realistic (custom made) turbulence effects
• Effect parameters differentiation between TURB, TS areas, in cloud and out of cloud cases
• Custom made turbulence sound (linked to aircraft G load – also tunable from ini file)
• Easy installation and usage (Just install and forget – RealTurb will autoload when the simulator starts)
• No user input/setup required for the effects to work. All is analyzed automatically!
• Compatible with any aircraft, being default or add-on